
TransLocal Cooperation exhibition to open on March 12 in London


10 Mar 2020

TransLocal Cooperation exhibition is opening on 12 March at Furtherfield Gallery, London.
The exhibition and the works within it consider how we might organize for care across distances and differences with and for our translocal communities. It features a selection of artworks created by Turkish, Greek, Serbian and British artists—Theo Prodromidis, Ioana Man, Yağmur Uyanık, Emmy Bacharach, Tamara Kametani and Georgios Makkas—during art and technology residences at the creative hubs of ATÖLYE in Turkey, Bios in Greece, and Nova Iskra in Serbia. These artworks ask how we might celebrate plural identities and their creative expressions while opening up and sharing these new connections for greater cooperation and empathy.
Selected by our team of translocal Turkish, Greek, Serbian and British curators, Ruth Catlow, Lina Džuverović, Diana Georgiou and Huma Kabakçı, the artworks in this exhibition employ a variety of media and technologies, from VR and 3D printing to probiotic fermentation and ethnographic documentation. The artists visualize the challenges of peoples, cultures, and ideas, displaced over space and time, and explore how to re-evaluate and reconceive them for translocal solidarity and knowledge exchange in a rapidly changing world.
The exhibition can be visited between 13 March – 19 April at Furtherfield Gallery, London.