December 02, 2021
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ()
Open To Public
Imagine a future, where society has decentralized. How will the business scene change? What kinds of transformation will the education sector undergo? What will public spaces in urban cities look like?
Come join us tomorrow between 12-1 PM (GMT+3) for a joint session with Japan-based University of Creativity (UoC) at their 2021 Creativity Future Forum.
In this session, both ATÖLYE and UoC will present creative visuals to answer decentralization related questions that they pose to each other.
Our very own Co-founder Kerem Alper, Senior Design Strategist & Service Designer Deniz Dönmez, Community Designer for ATÖLYE Academy Deniz Yazıcıoğlu and Senior Lead Service Design & Design Strategy Sonay Ardi Akkar will be taking part in this session, alongside Hanomi Iizuka and Manabu Ozato from UoC.
Follow the link to watch the session live tomorrow!
Note: This session will be held in English with Japanese subtitles.