June 19, 2019
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Open To Public
In our present-day reality of social, cloud, and mobile computing, it’s no secret that we’re generating, accessing, manipulating, and sharing personal digital data in unprecedented volumes. As we amass large archives of digital data documenting our lives, the technology enabling us to do so also yields a complex set of questions and concerns for our future—particularly for designers. In his talk, titled “Slow Interaction Design,” William Odom considers the long-term implications of our relationship with digital data and technologies, and the role of design in crafting a lasting place for this computational accumulation in our everyday lives.
Odom will share recent and ongoing research-through-design projects that focus on slow interaction design to explore these complex and emerging questions.
William Odom:
William Odom is an Assistant Professor in the School of Interactive Arts and Technology at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada, where he co-directs the Everyday Design Studio and is the founder of the homeware digital fabrication lab. He leads a range of projects in slow interaction design, the growing digitization of people’s possessions, and methods for developing the practice of Research-through-Design. His work has received numerous best paper awards at the ACM conferences including CHI, DIS, and Ubicomp, as well as a silver international design excellence award (IDEA) from the Industrial Designers Society of America. He holds a Ph.D. in Human-Computer Interaction from Carnegie Mellon University and was previously a Fulbright Scholar in Australia, a Banting Fellow in Canada, and a Design United Research Fellow in the Netherlands.