
NextGen Leaders in Navigating the Future


November 27, 2023
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm ()


Open To Public

This event will bring together an intergenerational values-based group of futurists, foresight practitioners, innovators, youth leaders, and sustainability leaders and creatives. We will zoom further into some of the biggest questions of our time, including the role of the next generations of leaders in exploring new narratives and paradigms for human and planetary flourishing.

What is the role of NextGen leaders (18-35 years) in global change? What learning needs to equip them with the skillsets of the future to become resilient? How can we drive collaboration between generations toward realizing our preferred and alternative futures? How can foresight be a leadership and societal capability to drive meaningful and lasting impact?

We will explore these questions together with youth leaders from across the MENA region and globally. They will bring diverse perspectives, representing communities across various impact areas, from personal development and wellbeing, to social change, sustainability, technology, innovation, education, and lifelong learning.

What is your vision for the future? Come and join us in this meaningful conversation!

This event is organized by the Millennial Leadership Lab (MLL) hosted by in partnership with ATÖLYE, School of Humanity, Sangha Estidama Hub, Keynoverse with the support of the Association of Professional Futurists (APF), One Young World MENA, ChangemakersXchange & Neol.

Speaker Line-up:

Dr. Seren Dalkiran, Founder Synergized Earth Network (SEN), Founder Millennial Leadership Lab (MLL)
Dr. A. John Sweeney UNESCO Chair in Futures Studies for Anticipatory Governance and Sustainable Policymaking, Westminster International University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Raghad Fathaddin, Sangha Estidama Hub, Founder & CEO
Baliqees Salaudeen Ibrahim, Bays Planet Foundation
Mert Cetinkaya, ATÖLYE
Nadia Muijrers, ATÖLYE
Sarah Alharthey, Yale Climate Fellow, UNICEF Climate Change & Youth Advisor
Samer Khan, Founder Keynoverse Institute
Ayesha Farhan, School of Humanity (SoH) & Vrishank Sai Anand, learner SoH

Location: ATÖLYE Dubai Hub