
New Creators #21: Burak Arıkan


January 16, 2020
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm ()


Open To Public

New Creators, organized by ATÖLYE and Bigumigu, and moderated by Yalçın Pembecioğlu, is hosting Burak Arıkan, who works with complex networked systems, as the first guest of 2020.

Burak graduated from Yıldız Technical University, Department of Civil Engineering in 2001. He completed his master’s degree in Visual Communication Design at Istanbul Bilgi University followed by a master’s in Media Arts and Sciences at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2006.

With his work, Burak searches social issues, develops abstract mechanisms with his findings, creates network maps and forecasting systems, conducts performances, and thus makes invisible power relations visible and open to discussion. Burak’s software, prints, installations, and performances were exhibited in many local and international institutions. Burak is also a founding member of Graph Commons, a collective network mapping, analysis, and publishing platform.

Don’t forget to register to the event that will be moderated by Yalçın Pembecioğlu.