
Hacking Everyday Objects 2


June 06, 2018 - June 06, 2018
5:30 pm - 8:30 pm ()


Open To Public

How great would it be if our lamps understood what we were saying?

Or if the teddy bear we tucked in at night nudged us awake in the morning?

Or if we made an electronic drum set out of the abandoned potatoes rotting in the closet?

In the “Hacking Everyday Objects” workshop series we are “hacking” objects that we use in our daily lives. In the course of twelve hours spread over a month, we will learn about production technologies, coding, and basic electronic circuitry. After this, we’ll use the new techniques we’ve learned to “hack” and digitize the objects we’ve picked, turning them into something other than what we’re used to.


Wednesday May 16, 2018—The concept of hacking; developing new ideas through brainstorming and bodystorming and an introduction to prototyping.

Wednesday May 23, 2018—Digital and physical prototyping techniques: sensors and interaction, 3-D printing, and laser cutting.

Wednesday May 30, 2018—Feedback on the objects you’ve brought in, the process of hacking and design.

Wednesday June 6, 2018—Finishing the hacking process, process presentation and exhibition.


  • Experiencing the process of developing new ideas through brain- and bodystorming.
  • Experiencing the process of bring things from the physical to the digital.
  • To learn about product development.
  • To learn about fast prototyping.
  • Experiencing production processes and learning how to use the equipment.


  • All equipment and materials will be supplied by ATÖLYE.
  • Participants will be provided with an Arduino set along with various circuit components and sensors.
  • This course is limited to 12 people.
  • Participants are expected to bring their computers and mice with them.
  • This event series will be held in Turkish.


Atılım Şahin

Atılım studied Mechanical Engineering (ITU BSc.), Product Design (ITU MSc.) and Interaction Design (Malmö University Msc.) throughout his education life. Beside these, he has been in the field of Theatre/Performance Arts as actor, performer and author for 10 years. This being the case, he has always been enthusiastic about being engaged in such environments merging those fields. Previously, he worked as Design Engineer, Application Specialist, Sales Director and Project Coordinator; in Engineering, Design and Arts related fields. He is currently working as a Prototyping Lab & Community Lead in ATÖLYE which consists of designers, architects, engineers, developers entrepreneurs, and artists.


Mertcan Avcı

Mertcan Avcı was born in Bursa in 1994. He grown up as a maker kid who makes own toys. He studied Industrial Product Design in Istanbul Bilgi University to combine design and his interests which are programing, electronics, mechanical and social engineering. He works as a Prototyping Lab Associate in ATÖLYE.

