
From Class to Craft: Future of Service Design


April 24, 2024
7:00 pm - 9:30 pm ()


Open To Public

The fourth edition of “Human After All” is poised to illuminate the dynamic world of Service Design in 2024. We’re excited to bring together Aydıncan Ataberk, Gülname Turan, Nur Gürbüz, and Sonay Ardi Akkar—four luminaries at the forefront of entrepreneurship, academia, and industry practice in service design and experience design. This panel discussion will delve into the evolution of Service Design Education, its necessity in the realism of design studies, innovative methodologies, and how the integration of new technologies like AI is impacting the field. The session aims to touch on the expanding landscape of career opportunities within the field, fostering a deeper understanding among professionals, students, and enthusiasts alike. This edition promises an inspiring exploration of service design’s current state and future directions.

Join us to engage with these experts as they share insights and predictions that will shape the future of service and experience design.

Note: This event will be held in English.

“Human After All” is an event series hosted by ATÖLYE, exploring the present state and future visions of human-computer interaction and interaction design, contemporary uses of AI tools, and multidisciplinary approaches in creative design practices. Celebrating the unique personal journeys of our speakers, it brings together an international cohort of experts, creators, and pioneers into ATÖLYE’s event space in Istanbul, offering opportunities to engage and participate in meaningful dialogues.