
Creative Mornings: Latife Tekin


January 25, 2019
9:00 am - 10:30 am ()


Open To Public

When you look at the artwork of Frida Kahlo or Salvador Dali, there’s an element of surprise. Why does it feel familiar yet also otherworldly? Surrealists sought to break free from the shackles of the rational mind and dive into the deep end of the unconscious. Today, we recognize a sense of the surreal in unexpected moments in daily life. 

2019’s first CreativeMornings guest speaker is the writer Latife Tekin. She maintains her unique tone and writing style since her first book Sevgili Arsız Ölüm to her last books Manves City and Sürüklenme. In her literature, she combines realistic characters and situations with surreal elements with magical and fantastic details in her books and writes with a particular perspective to reality. We will talk about this month theme ‘surreal’ with Latife Tekin, and you are kindly invited to listen to Latife Tekin talk about her latest books and his perspective on the surreal.

  09:00-09:30: Breakfast 09:30-10:00: Talk 10:00-10.30: Networking