
Creative Explorations: From Social Entities to Ubiquitous Systems


16 Sep 2020

Connect for Creativity’s third and final networking conference titled “Creative Explorations: From Social Entities to Ubiquitous Systems” on “How digital is changing the way we relate to each other” will be held online on 24 and 25 September. The conference will bring together decision-makers, opinion leaders and experts from across Europe to explore the impact of digital technologies on how we connect with and relate to each other.


With the national and international actors from the digital technology communities and policy makers, “Creative Explorationsconference aims to enable exchange of information, opinion and experience and foster new collaborations amongst participants from Greece, Serbia, Turkey, the UK and beyond through workshops, group sessions, keynotes and panel discussions.


Registrations are now open

The two-day conference is open to the public and free of charge. Registrations for the conference can be submitted through Connect for Creativity website ( until Sunday, 20 September.


Could design and technology impact the way we relate to each other?

One of the main aspects of human nature is the need for contact and the way we communicate has been evolving since our very existence. Today, we live in a culture that fosters hyperconnectivity, the pace of technology creation is faster than the pace of our understanding and the development of critical thinking. As computational creativity continues to emerge, cultural and creative sectors lean on technology to find new ways to make culture more cohesive, relatable and accessible. Social distancing accelerated the use of technology and due to this, many new creators came into view. However, the way they communicate and relate to the world has also shifted. Technology and omnipresent systems is an issue that raises many questions. Are we trying to escape reality? Develop a new social model? Do we create technology or is technology creating us?


The conference will focus on the convergence between the creative industries and digital technologies and will explore its impact on how we connect with and relate to each other.


Connect for Creativity is led by the British Council, in collaboration with ATÖLYE and Abdullah Gül University in Turkey, BIOS in Greece and Nova Iskra in Serbia. The project is part of the Intercultural Dialogue Programme that is led by the Yunus Emre Institute and is co-funded by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey.


For more information and registration: